Founder & Administrator

My name is Alberto Anaya, but I go by Albert in professional settings. Interestingly, I have many nicknames and it seems as though each person has their own name for me. I graduated from Cal Poly Pomona with a bachelor’s degree in Political Science. Although labels may be misleading, they are helpful for quickly identifying with some accuracy. I am comfortable calling myself a secular-minded humanist and critical thinker. I enjoy many interests, curiosity is my guide. Some topics of interest include: philosophy, law, history, politics, science, computers, the brain, and pretty much anything novel. The number one driver in my life is love, to love and be loved. For anything else, you’re going to have to wait for an Ask-Me-Anything (AMA).


Contributor & Co-host for Undeniable

My name is Felipe Osuna and I graduated from Cal Poly Pomona with a Bachelor’s in Political Science and a Minor in Philosophy. I have always been inquisitive but I would say that I attribute my love for critical thinking and science to several college professors. I would label myself as an atheist, secularist, liberal, utilitarian, skeptic, and critical thinker. My intellectual interests include politics, philosophy, public policy, education, psychology, mental health, neuroscience, and medicine. I am both a cynic and an optimist. I think most of humanity is selfish but believe that the world is a small place and that in realizing this, we become closer and more aware of each other’s common needs. I believe that the solution to all if not most of the world’s problems is in discovering the “root cause” of such problems, and that in accepting these causes, we advance closer to a bettering our society.



My name is Lauren Ruiz and I graduated from the University of California, Riverside. I go by Lauren but am often christened with a variety of nicknames. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Comparative Literature and Foreign Languages. I am interested in studying foreign languages, reading many different genres of literature, environmentalism, advocating for human rights, world history, music, and constantly challenging myself in any way possible. I am passionate about challenging others to critically think and to learn more about others (and their differences) in order to live a more empathetic and compassionate life. My number one motivator in life is to inspire change for the better.